The most concerning SPIKING substance in Australia and New Zealand is the growing incidence of GHB spiking. GHB, also known by many other names such as Liquid Fantasy, is a colourless, tasteless and odourless substance that is used recreationally, made and sold illegally, derived from a prescribed substance for treatment of narcolepsy and other neurological disorders.  

Ingesting even a tiny amount of GHB depresses the Central Nervous System and impairs the ability for an individual under the influence, to have a fight/flight reaction, thus protect themselves from harm or coercion.  

Victims of GHB spiking are compliant, non-violent, mildly euphoric and generally still considered to be functioning, talkative and mobile. It is a devastating combination that renders the victim unable to protect themselves. GHB is metabolised and leave the blood stream, undetectable in 6-8 hours. Seeking medical testing for verification of GHB spiking, the next day is likely futile.  

Let’s set the scene; you’re out with a small group of friends having a lazy afternoon at a licensed premises. You begin to feel oddly and excessively happy after your first drink; otherwise fine and not noticing other symptoms. GHB is impossibly difficult to detect once ingested as the side effects are closely associated with the intention of being out and socialising; having a good time! Even more concerning if you are out alone, on a first encounter/date with a new person.  

That’s where the Tutella comes in. Tutella is your DRINK GUARDIAN. Just a fingertip of your drink on the test sticker is enough to indicate presence of GHB or not. Test your drink, not your body. 

Tell someone you trust, a staff member at venue, or just continue having a good time?! Some venues are involved with the ‘Ask for Angela’ Campaign for safety. All have a duty of care to their patrons. 

If you or a loved one suspects they may have been spiked, seek assistance: 

  • if at an event or licenced venue tell staff. 


A duty of care exists for all patrons. This means, notify the staff and they must arrange police and ambulance attendance to your needs. 

If concerned and can’t find immediate assistance from venue staff?  

  • call 000 


SEEK medical and law enforcement ASSISTANCE immediately. Police would rather attend and investigate in real-time, than attempt to discover the truth days or weeks after the incident, without evidence.  

Tutella is your DRINK GUARDIAN. Be Safe As, test before you ingest. 

Big Love,  

Be Safe As 

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