What is Tutella?
Tutela is a word of origin that has different but associated meanings depending on the context and the language. In Roman, civil, and Scots law, it means the right or power of a tutor over his ward, or the relation of a tutor to his ward or pupil. In Roman law, it also means a guardianship over a woman who is not under marital or paternal power. In Spanish, it means guardianship or protection, and it can be used to refer to someone who is under the custody or auspices of someone else. In Italian, it means custody, guardianship, or tutelage. In some Latin American countries, it is also a legal term for a writ for the protection of constitutional rights.
Tutella (Tutela) is loosely translated as a guardian or protector, known for centuries to describe looking after the interest of another. Be Safe As is utilising Tutella for the testing stickers, for detection of GHB. No alternate method for knowing the substance of GHB, used for incapacitating spiking victims, is available in Australia to test the beverage BEFORE it is ingested. In ancient times, drink and food testers (people) were used to detect and protect the wealthy who were vulnerable to ill intent such as spiking for incapacity or poisoning.

How to Detect – It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3

Peel off protective film from one spot

Place fingertip in beverage then onto spot.

Read the test. The results will be evident within a minute.
Protect – How to read your results
Whether base colour is Apricot or Lemon, it will fade slightly when beverage is added. IF the colour; on one half changes, this indicates GHB is present in your beverage. For your safety DO NOT CONSUME!
If the result reads positive (indicated by a colour change on one half, which may spread to the entire spot in some instances), please seek assistance as discreetly as you wish. The local police should be notified ASAP and if you are in a licensed venue, make management aware so they can act according to their RSA & safety policies.

• The liquid on the spot should be absorbed for an accurate result.
• The chemical infused material may appear scratched; it is NOT damaged. Characteristic of the absorbent material. • Each detection spot is for one time use. • Caution: Read instructions before use.
Upload your result with #ichoosetotest #drinkguardianBSA #BSAwhatsinyourdrink on your social media platform of choice
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Storage Conditions
• Temperature: 1°C ~ 30°C (33.8°F ~ 86°F) • Humidity: 1 ~ 40%
• Shelf life: 1 year
Positive and False Positive
• The liquid should appear absorbed completely on the detection sticker for the best result. When the detection sticker matches the “Positive test colour”, a positive test result has occurred. However, it is advised that beverages including excess sugars such as fruit juice, dairy products and wine may interfere with the reaction of GHB and detection chemicals
WARNING – Skin and eye irritant
• After placing a drop of the liquid onto the spot by finger (Usage no 1), the liquid remaining on the finger should be cleaned using tissue wipe or water. If in eyes, wash with copious amounts of water. Excess liquid on stickers may temporarily stain clothing material. If skin irritation occurs, discontinue use.
Guarantee and legal notice of detection results
• A positive result indicates the high probability of the presence of GHB. However, the positive result may also occur in the case of a false positive. A positive result cannot be the only criterion for determining the existence of the GHB for legal purposes. Local authorities must be involved. Neither seller nor any identified third party makes any representations as to the lawfulness of the test results, or as to the reliance upon the results. This detection sticker is warranted to be free from defects under normal use and when stored by the instructions for use. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, whether statutory, express or implied. BSA shall not be liable for consequential, incidental, special or any other indirect damages resulting from economic loss or property damages sustained by any customer from the use of this detection sticker. The use of this product constitutes an agreement that no claim shall be made against the seller or any party for damages, including but not limited to, compensatory, consequential, incidental and punitive. PLEASE BE SAFE. IF IN DOUBT, DO NOT DRINK, SEEK ASSISTANCE