Be in charge of your personal safety!
Testing your drink will help you stay safe when you’re out and about. One drop of liquid is all it takes to see if your drink has been spiked!
Reliable and accurate, discreet and rapid: Tutella is the only transferable test sticker available to the Australian public for detecting GHB in beverages.
Once you apply a drop of your drink to the sticker, results appear in as little as 5 seconds. You can check your drink and don’t have to wait long.
Our single use drink test stickers are small enough to fit on your lipstick, keys and phone! It can be a great deterrent and conversation starter.
female founded
Be Safe As is a female founded and Adelaide based start up for the purpose of personal safety. BSA specialises in finding and offering the best personal safety products and devices. we are passionate about curbing assault and drink spiking through detection and protection. Be Safe As specialises in SMART surveillance devices including silent alarms and cameras. We understand the desire for a constant sense of one’s safety. The need for protection from coercion, assault and abuse in domestic circumstances

Speak Up, Break the Silence. Reporting Abuse, Empowering Change.

Where to find help
You’re not alone
000 Call the police. Attend a local police station to make a report. The police exist to protect and serve. Let them!
- Alcohol and Drug Information Service
Information and counselling available between 8.30 am and 10.00 pm every day
Telephone: 1300 13 1340
(South Australian callers – local call fee) - SA Ambulance Service
- Yarrow Place – rape and sexual assault service (Adelaide based)
- 1800RESPECT is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service.
What is Tutella?
Tutela is a word of origin that has different but associated meanings depending on the context and the language. In Roman, civil, and Scots law, it means the right or power of a tutor over his ward, or the relation of a tutor to his ward or pupil. In Roman law, it also means a guardianship over a woman who is not under marital or paternal power. In Spanish, it means guardianship or protection, and it can be used to refer to someone who is under the custody or auspices of someone else. In Italian, it means custody, guardianship, or tutelage. In some Latin American countries, it is also a legal term for a writ for the protection of constitutional rights.
Tutella (Tutela) is loosely translated as a guardian or protector, known for centuries to describe looking after the interest of another. Be Safe As is utilising Tutella for the testing stickers, for detection of GHB. No alternate method for knowing the substance of GHB, used for incapacitating spiking victims, is available in Australia to test the beverage BEFORE it is ingested. In ancient times, drink and food testers (people) were used to detect and protect the wealthy who were vulnerable to ill intent such as spiking for incapacity or poisoning.