As the founder of Be Safe As, I have spoken to people of all ages, genders and orientations about drink spiking and personal safety. Some have been truly shocked to realise someone their age has been a victim of GHB spiked assault. “But I’m 55 (or 15 or 75 or…) I’m not someone going out to parties and acting wild.”  

This is an inaccurate assumption about contemporary societal hazards. 

Assault, beverage-tampering and associated drug rape can happen to anyone of any age in any environment, from a private home to a restaurant to a cruise or even in a hospital. Post-covid, the incidence of GHB spiking has increased exponentially in cafes and restaurants. 

Be Safe As. Test before you ingest. 

The commonly heard phrases, “But I was at a party with friends…or at an event where everyone was there to just have fun… or on a date with a “nice” person or… We all want to assume that we are in a safe environment. But even “friends” can be dangerous and among “friends” there are often “friends of friends” and even strangers who slip in. Certainly, a party in an open bar is NOT a closed environment. While all may be there to have a good time, some people have a very different idea of “fun.” Sometimes in life, sadly, it is those we trust who hurt us most. So that person you consider a good mate, a best friend who would really like to be more than your friend could decide to have a sexual relationship with you the hard way—drug facilitated rape. 

And, there have been cases of boyfriends or husbands drugging women to let others have sex with them. Twisted indeed, but a reality for some. Rarely so, but it has happened; where the bar person pouring the beverages at a licensed establishment, has been caught for tampering with drinks, intended for specific victims. It’s not about avoiding socialising; no-one wants to be shut off from the world because of the hazards. 

Let’s mitigate the hazards. If possible: 

  • watch your beverage being poured 
  • Test it before consuming 
  • Keep track of your beverage 
  • Before each sip, eyeball it to look for clouding, different tastes or foreign materials. (Some drugs add a sour or bitter taste or leave a residue that doesn’t dissolve) 


Here for you, 

Be Safe As Founder 

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