It’s important to remember that all drugs affect how well your mind and body operate. In fact, alcohol is linked to far more reported statistics than any other consumed substance. Nearly all drugs of abuse make people vulnerable to being taken advantage of—by impairing their judgment, reducing their reaction time, and clouding their thinking.
And as disgusting as it is to think about, when you don’t have your wits about you, someone may take that as an opportunity to push themselves on you.
How can you avoid being spiked?
There are many subtle ways you can be wary of the integrity of a beverage. Nothing is guaranteed other than never consuming food or beverages other than you make yourself. Let’s be real. We are a society of social people. Australian drinking culture is a strong influence on our behaviours.
If you’re at a party where people are drinking alcohol, you should be aware that there could be predators hoping to make you drunk or vulnerable. No matter what you’re drinking, even if it’s a soft drink or juice, people can slip drugs in your drink-so pour all drinks yourself and don’t leave them unattended (even if you have to take them into the bathroom with you). If you can’t do either of these things. Pay attention to the look and taste of your drink, to detect noticeable tampering, and test it with Tutella, your Drink Guardian, for GHB.
Also, be sure to stick with your friends wherever possible. There’s safety in numbers. But even if you leave your drink or leave your friends behind, know this for certain: if you are drugged and taken advantage of, it’s not your fault.
Prank spiking is known to happen in friendship groups in Australia. The ignorance of ANYONE to spike a drink, not knowing how the dosage will affect the victim, is reckless and ILLEGAL.
Self blame or shame felt by victims of beverage tampering, assault or theft is wholly unnecessary. The predators are to blame, entirely. The illegal conduct of perpetrators of beverage tampering with intention to incapacitate a victim for other illegal acts, is a compounded offence in every State and Territory in Australia.
Please seek support and justice if you or a loved one suspects tampering or coercive behaviour.
Be Safe, test your drink, not your bloodstream.
Here for you,
Be Safe As