MOST DRINK SPIKING IS NOT REPORTED and NEVER becomes a statistic. Shocking isn’t it?!
GHB (also known by many other names such as Liquid Fantasy) is a colourless, tasteless and odourless substance that is used recreationally, made and sold illegally, derived from a prescribed substance for treatment of narcolepsy and other neurological disorders. It depresses the Central Nervous System and impairs the ability for an individual under the influence, to have a fight/flight reaction, thus protect themselves from harm or coercion. Victims of GHB spiking are compliant, non-violent, mildly euphoric and generally still considered to be ‘functioning’ talkative and mobile.
It is a devastating combination that renders the victim:
- unable to protect themselves from unwanted attention or intrusion into their free will
- distressing to relive any trauma/assault and confusion as to why they ‘let it happen’
It is an incorrect assumption that a victim will always black out or become knocked out by drink spiking, only wake up hours later with no memory. Sometimes their recollection of events is precise and detailed. However they have no reasonable explanation for why they as victims didn’t resist the violation that occurred.
That is what GHB does! You are not going crazy or having personality fluctuations. You behaved a certain way BECAUSE YOU WERE DRUGGED. It is the common impact in aftermath of GHB exposure.
The authorities need to know what a victim can recall and be given the opportunity to investigate as per your report of alleged crime. At be Safe As, we realise the myriad of reasons one would not want to share their story. It is so important. To protect yourself in the future, to protect others.
If someone punched you (assault) and stole your wallet (theft).. you’d tell police. OF COURSE! The same applies for spiking your drink (assault) and any interaction that arises from you being impaired due to the spiking.
There are specialist police officers. Those trained to support a victim of sexual crimes. Give the authorities a chance to get the perpetrators.
You may call the National Sexual Assault Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) AT ANY TIME for confidential support and advice.
Big Love,
Be Safe As