How Can You Protect Yourself?  


What do you do if it happens? 

If a person suspects a drug (such as GHB) was used in an assault, it is important to get tested ASAP. GHB leaves the system very rapidly. Within four to eight hours, (12 hours for urine tests). Contact the police. If they don’t automatically facilitate for you to get medical attention, request it ASAP.  

Results from a blood or urine test, along with any found video footage of your drink (from pour to ingestion) witness testimony etc. could be the pivotal difference in preventing a predator from repeating their actions; sending a criminal to prison.  

Be Safe As. This is a call to action. Don’t be shy. Ask for assistance if you are unsure about your safety or the integrity of your drink. Choose to check your drink for GHB. Choose to use Tutella. Choose to Be Safe As 

Big Love, 

Be Safe As 

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