The First Date Fallacy: There is no specific data on how many women are assaulted on first dates in Australia. However, there are some statistics that can give us an idea of the prevalence and nature of sexual assault in general.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 22% of women and 6.1% of men aged 18 years and over have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, including childhood sexual abuse and/or sexual assault since the age of 15. In 2021-22, 0.5% of women and 0.2% of men aged 18 years and over experienced sexual assault in the previous 12 months.
The ABS also found that most victims of sexual assault knew the perpetrator. In 2016, among women who experienced sexual assault by a male in the last 10 years, 42% were assaulted by a current or previous partner, 16% by a boyfriend or date, 15% by another known person, and 11% by a stranger.
Vulnerability doesn’t have to lead to victimhood or a hermit life.
Be Safe As offers a small range of lab tested, rigorously tested products for personal safety in public spaces.
Personal alarms are fit for purpose, legal to carry to avoid unwanted attention or coercion/assault when threatened or overpowered.
Tutella; the drink guardian. To test for (otherwise undetectable) GHB spiked drinks.
Venti Stick to indicate breath alcohol level. This product has anti spiking applications and is used to avoid DUI offences.
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Be Safe As