We don’t want to scare you. BUT the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reported that in 2018, the rate of police-recorded sexual assault was almost seven times as high for females as males (113.3 per 100,000 compared with 16.5 per 100,000). However, not all victims of sexual assault report to the police. Many don’t tell anyone other than friends. The ABS estimated that in 2016, only 18% of women who experienced sexual assault by a male in the last 10 years contacted the police about the most recent incident.
A report by ABC News in 2018 found that sexual predators are actively targeting potential victims through online dating sites and apps, as rape and sexual assault figures in Queensland hit a five-year high4. The report cited several cases of women who were raped or assaulted by men they met online, as well as experts who warned that online dating can create a false sense of intimacy and trust.
Be Safe As urges:
- responsible sharing of identity and location information with friends and loved ones, when opting to meet an online match.
Strangers aren’t all dangerous, but they are strangers. Beware, Be Safe As.
The report also referred to a study by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University, which surveyed 2,000 people who used dating apps. The study found that one in five women had experienced some form of sexual violence from someone they met on a dating app4.
Date Rape, Coercive Sexual encounters and Sexual Assault are not topics eagerly discussed when looking for companionship, attachment, love BUT it is a reality that needs to be addressed FOR YOUR SAFETY.
Be Safe As offers a small range of lab tested, rigorously tested products for personal safety in public spaces.
Personal alarms are fit for purpose, legal to carry to avoid unwanted attention or coercion/assault when threatened or overpowered.
Tutella; the drink guardian. To test for (otherwise undetectable) GHB spiked drinks.
Venti Stick to indicate breath alcohol level. This product has anti spiking applications and is used to avoid DUI offences.
Big Love,
Be Safe As