It’s been said many times by people I have spoken to about drink spiking myths and those unfamiliar to hazards. “Oh, not my daughter, she’s a good girl. She won’t get spiked. She’s a smart girl, she won’t get spiked. She’s not into the night clubs and raves, she won’t get spiked. She has a nice boyfriend, She is married. Etc.” The same goes for men. So many are complacent or unaware of the risks and hazards of spiking and how to detect the different reactions from drugs that are used to spike a drink.  

A non-alcoholic drink can be spiked with GHB (GHB is known for being tasteless, colourless and odourless) 

This means a coffee, water or fruit smoothie, on a well-planned and ‘safe’ first encounter, can still be a hazard. There have been reports of drink spiking and drug induced sexual assault arising from a seemingly innocuous and well-planned, day-time encounters. Be Safe. Test before you ingest.  

Be Safe As has been established for the purpose of enhancing personal safety for all. At Be Safe As, we specialise in offering the best detection for GHB on the market. We are the ONLY retailer of Tutella in Australia and New Zealand.  

Here for you, 

Be Safe As 

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